returned to both the doctor's office and later the
police station and asked "How do these pamplets get
here anway?" I was informed at both locations that:
"People from the organizations bring them in. Anyone
is allowed to put a stack of informative pamphlets on
the pamplet racks. No I.D. required. No
I calculated that it would take about 15,000 pamplets to cover the region where I had observed these pamplets -- all the police stations, doctors offices, and social services offices in the (023) area code of the Netherlands. I never determined if the scam extended beyond that region. Thus, for less than $5000 in printing costs, a group of child molesters (or one rich one) could print and distribute these flyers and make the public and officials believe that the problem was being dealt with, while leaving the children, the victims, with no one to turn to, and the molesters free to do as they like. Furthermore, any organizations trying to reach the "Hotline" on behalf of a child would simply get a busy signal because business's are required to have the telephone Centrale device, and all of these were preprogrammed to respond to the number with a busy signal, unless the same "extension" existed within their own network (in which case, it would appear to be a misrouted call).
That's one scenario.
The other scenario is that people in the Dutch government are themselves involved in this subterfuge. Before you say, "Preposterous!" consider the following:
The Netherlands has one of the highest rates of incest and child molestation in the world, it is accepted as the norm -- everyone is "looking the other way" in support of Dutch tolerance.
In 1993, the Dutch laws were changed making it a crime to have sex with a child under the age of 12, and giving children 16 and over complete sexual freedom. The "grey area" between the ages of 12 and 16 allows children to have consentual sex, and provides that the only person who can lodge a complaint for unconsensual sex is the parent. How's that for a formula for incest? Sound unimaginable? Then read the English translation of their laws linked at the right.
Author David Farer in his book "Bordel Leven" (Brothel Lives) a scholarly examination of the Dutch prostitution industry states that, of the thousands of prostitutes he interviewed while researching his book, every one of them claimed to have been molested as a child. Thus, incest is good for one of the Netherlands' main industries: sex and sexual tourism.
(continues on next page)
I calculated that it would take about 15,000 pamplets to cover the region where I had observed these pamplets -- all the police stations, doctors offices, and social services offices in the (023) area code of the Netherlands. I never determined if the scam extended beyond that region. Thus, for less than $5000 in printing costs, a group of child molesters (or one rich one) could print and distribute these flyers and make the public and officials believe that the problem was being dealt with, while leaving the children, the victims, with no one to turn to, and the molesters free to do as they like. Furthermore, any organizations trying to reach the "Hotline" on behalf of a child would simply get a busy signal because business's are required to have the telephone Centrale device, and all of these were preprogrammed to respond to the number with a busy signal, unless the same "extension" existed within their own network (in which case, it would appear to be a misrouted call).
That's one scenario.
The other scenario is that people in the Dutch government are themselves involved in this subterfuge. Before you say, "Preposterous!" consider the following:
The Netherlands has one of the highest rates of incest and child molestation in the world, it is accepted as the norm -- everyone is "looking the other way" in support of Dutch tolerance.
In 1993, the Dutch laws were changed making it a crime to have sex with a child under the age of 12, and giving children 16 and over complete sexual freedom. The "grey area" between the ages of 12 and 16 allows children to have consentual sex, and provides that the only person who can lodge a complaint for unconsensual sex is the parent. How's that for a formula for incest? Sound unimaginable? Then read the English translation of their laws linked at the right.
Author David Farer in his book "Bordel Leven" (Brothel Lives) a scholarly examination of the Dutch prostitution industry states that, of the thousands of prostitutes he interviewed while researching his book, every one of them claimed to have been molested as a child. Thus, incest is good for one of the Netherlands' main industries: sex and sexual tourism.
(continues on next page)